The Full Story
Joseph Hubertus Pilates
The creator of the Pilates method named his system Contrology. He was an extraordinary man – focused, determined, and passionate about his ideas for a revolutionary body workout program.
Born in Mönchengladbach in 1883, Joe Pilates is still little known in Germany, his country of origin. His exciting life led him from his first job as a beer brewer and amateur boxer in the Ruhr region to an internment camp on the Isle of Man, England, during the First World War. And finally, in New York City, he opened his legendary studio and helped countless celebrities make their bodies more vital and toned.
How did Danile meet Pilates?
I discovered Pilates 22 years ago when I read a magazine article about Inelia Garcia hosting Romana Kryzanowska, a reknowned Pilates Teacher in Brazil.
A couple of years later, I attended my first Pilates class; and got addicted! I was amazed by the results I felt from it, for days after. At the time I had just finished University, so was looking for a job as a Physiotherapist. However, I couldn’t shake a growing eagerness to face the massive commitment of becoming a teacher myself. So, I convinced my father to fund an extra year of studies for me.
The Pilates certification process became my full-time job. I completed over 900 hours of teaching, observation, and training in just 9 months.
In 2006, I moved to London and taught Pilates in different studios for a number of years until, finally, I opened my own: The Authentic Pilates Studio. Balancing my time between career and children was quite intense. So, after selling the studio in 2017, I decided to step back for a couple of years. My slightly longer than anticipated Sabbatical finally ended last September, due to Covid 19!
I started another unique health boutique in SW London, Classical Pilates & Physio Clinic, and am now launching a new Pilates Teacher Training Programme this September, which will soon spread throughout Europe.
My mind, body, and soul are in this project to share, as quick as possible, Joseph Pilates' work with everyone who needs it. Mainly those in pain right now and considering it as the norm.
If you read till this point, we must have a similar interest in Pilates, and you might be asking, "How could I also help them too?"
Do you want to join our team?
Because I will never be able to do that on my own.
Please send an email to or call me at 07922 111 284.
I can't wait to meet you!
So, what is this method?
Pilates is a low-impact exercise designed to strengthen muscles while stretching, improving postural alignment and balance. It is a mixture of strengthening exercises with the many hundreds of moves concentrating on muscle development in the body, emphasising core strength. This technique helps not only to improve general fitness but overall well-being.